Stroma Built Environment delivers trusted SAP calculations for new and existing residential properties. Our team can help ensure all building stock is compliant with the Government's Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) and Part L of the Building Regulations.

Our SAP Calculation Services

Following the update to Part L1a in June 2022, Stroma offers SAP 10 calculations for new and existing residential properties. We can help ensure compliance with new regulations, as well as past iterations pf SAP from 2005.

With over 20 years’ experience in the industry, our expert team is ideally positioned to provide you with the best SAP design and compliance advice available to ensure your buildings meet all relevant regulations and standards.

  • Nationwide Delivery - Access a nationwide network of SAP Assessors & Air Tightness Engineers for testing at short notice and suited to your build schedule.
  • Building Regulations Compliance - Fast & efficient reporting for full compliance & a smooth handover process.
  • Compliant SAP Software - Our expert assessors use MHCLG-approved software to complete SAP-compliant calculations, including FEE, SAP & Environmental Impact Ratings.
a city view from a window

What Are SAP Calculations?

SAP is the UK Government's current method of assessing and comparing the energy and environmental performance of dwellings. Specifically, SAP calculations enable the generation of an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating.

EPCs are required for all new builds, extensions, renovations, or changes in occupancy, indicating the property's energy efficiency and environmental impact. It is the role of qualified assessors to carry out SAP calculations. Valid results will evidence that a property meets the requirements of Building Regulations Part L.

Accurately assessing the energy efficiency of a property ensures informed decision-making when working towards improved sustainability and cost savings. As such, SAP calculations are an indispensable part of any construction project.

windows on a skyscraper building

They include several detailed assessments, including: 

  • An evaluation of all potential heat losses from glazing, walls, floors & roofs
  • An appraisal of how effective insulation measures such as cavity wall insulation could be
  • A review of air leakage rates through windows, doors & other openings
  • Analysis of ventilation performance to ensure adequate fresh air supply
  • A check of the efficiency of heating & hot water systems

SAP Calculations for New & Existing Residential Developments

For all new builds, we recommended completing SAP calculations during the design stage. This will ensure the avoidance of costly and time-consuming redesigns later.

The calculations determine CO2 emission rates and annual energy costs (including space, water heating, and lighting) for domestic dwellings. If your specification is not on target to meet the required limits, or if design changes occur during construction, we can provide advice and additional calculations to ensure building regulations compliance.

We employ a certified team of SAP Assessors (On Construction Energy Assessors). They are highly experienced in completing calculations on challenging developments, including high-rise buildings and high-sustainability projects.

What Information is Needed for SAP Calculations?

Our assessors will require various documents and information from the construction project. Having the relevant documents and details ready before beginning the SAP calculations is essential to ensure an accurate assessment.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Architectural plans
  • Structural drawings
  • Energy bills for the previous 12 months
  • Heating control details
  • Hot water systems
  • Ventilation details
  • Building fabric (incl. roof insulation, windows & air tightness values)
  • Installed renewable technologies
  • Building regulations details

Types of SAP Calculations & EPC Certification

We provide a range of calculations and assessments to ensure your projects meet the necessary standards.

  • Design Stage SAP Calculations - Predict the energy performance of a building before it is built.
  • U-Value Calculations - Assess the thermal performance of elements within a building.
  • As-Built SAP Calculations - Measure the actual energy performance of a building once it has been constructed.
  • Predicted Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) - Assigns each property with a SAP score which places it on a band from A to G.
windows externally of a building with various lit offices

Part O Overheating Assessments

Stroma also delivers BOTH Simplified and CIBSE TM59 assessments to demonstrate compliance with Approved Document O.

Click to find out more about Overheating Assessments

Frequently Asked Questions

Are SAP calculations a legal requirement?

To comply with P Building Regulations Part L, SAP calculations are required by law for any new builds, renovations, extensions, or occupancy changes (letting or selling).

Who is responsible for SAP calculations?

The property developer, landlord, or seller is responsible for organising an accurate SAP calculation for their property or properties. This should be carried out to generate an EPC for the building.

Who carries out SAP calculations?

Anyone who is accredited to lodge the final EPC at the end of a project can carry out an SAP calculation. Certified SAP assessors, such as Stroma Built Environment, ensure trusted and accurate results.

Are SAP and EPC the same?

SAP calculations are used to determine the overall energy performance and environmental impact of a dwelling. This information is then expressed in the EPC rating.

Stroma Built Environment and its team of experts are here ready to discuss a range of packages for any new project. Get in touch today!

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